Every evening when I drive home from work, I pass by Pogo's house. Pogo would always be sitting by his kitty door on the back stoop or in the grass nearby, as in the photo above. He was always there every night. Always. Seeing Pogo on the back stoop meant that everything was alright in the world. Last night on my way home from work, I drove by Pogo's house and he was not there.
Today, Pogo passed away. I'll miss him. But Pam will welcome him in kitty heaven with squishy food, kitty treats and Dolly Parton music. I miss Pam, too.
Poor kitty!
This is a lovely photo - you both seem to be comfortably lost in thought. -sure, maybe thinking of Ethel Merman, or Josephine Baker, or of eating some birds outside...?
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