10cc - I'm Not In Love
Ricky Nelson - Stood Up
Willie Nelson - Opportunity To Cry
Loney, Dear - Saturday Waits
Maxine Sullivan - Blue Skies
Steve Martin & Bernadette Peters - You Belong To Me
Ronnie Lane's Slim Chance - Roll On Babe
Roy Orbison - Blue Bayou
Jon Rauhouse (And Neko Case) - East of the Sun (and West of the Moon)
The Statler Brothers - Flowers On the Wall
Josh Ritter - Lillian, Egypt
For awhile now, I have been trying to remember the Jesus and Mary Chain song that I was consumed with during my freshman year of college. I finally found it. "Halfway to Crazy." There was a very cool boy who I met my freshman year who loved the Jesus and Mary Chain and he was the only reason that I listened to the record. I wonder what happened to that long-haired, grungy, Jesus and Mary Chain boy?

I also played a track from a Swedish band, who I almost passed by due to what I considered to be a dorky name: Loney, Dear. But boy am I glad that I didn't. Their track, "Saturday Waits" was really great. I glanced at their website and I just love this:
"Emil Svanängen, one of those 'I've never been in a relationship but damnit if I'm not lovesick' guys who writes and records prolifically while seated on the edge of a rumpled bed in his small apartment..."
Now that sounds right up my alley. I'll have to try some of Loney, Dear's other songs. But dammit, they are playing in NYC with the Sea and Cake and I am going to miss it!!! Oh well.
Entire playlist can be found here.
If you like Loney, Dear, you might like fellow Swede Jens Lekman if you're not familiar with him already. The description you quoted fits Jens to a T. He used to play the ukulele live in concert too before he famously gave up the instrument completely.
Jens Lekman plays the uke on NPR
That song by Jens Lekman is absolutely wonderful. It gave me chills and it made me cry a little. Wow. That is my favorite song of the week. Thank you so much for introducing me to it.
Seeing your J & Mary Chain song listing made me think of another band recommendation: Laptop.
However, it's a nuisance to Google, as it's such a common word. Try it with "Jesse Hartman" -- it's a one-man band.
I've read it described as '80s synth new wave merged with industrial; that's about right.
Wittily cynical New York-y lyrics, set to catchy tunes. Although my wife can't stand his vocal style, so it may be a personal taste thing. (But if you're o.k. with Peter Murphy/Bahaus or Psychadelic Furs/Love Spit Love, you should be fine.)
The album "User's Guide" is a good introduction: an EP that's easily worth the $3 (plus a buck or two shipping) -- http://www.djangomusic.com/artist_music.asp?pid=P+++293861
The songs "I'm So Happy You Failed" and "Whole Wide World" (which is apparently a cover song) are my two faves. If you like those, I own "Don't Try this at Home" and "The Old Me vs. The New You", and enjoy both of them.
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